BSS Case Study
Telling the story of Blackcomb Springs
The app helped a small staff crew deliver great guest experience.
Blackcomb Springs Suites is an 198 room hotel nestled slope side on Blackcomb Mountain in Whistler.
They came to Apps Canada with several challenges. Their location makes it hard for guests to find their way around and back to the hotel, and they wanted to give guests good, branded experience, but had no time, budget, or expertise to develop a solution from scratch.
An extra layer of hurdles was provided when COVID reached Whistler. Many bookings were lost, there were new rules about booking hot tub and common areas, high staff turnover left no time to train new staff on the whole resort, and printed materials were removed from rooms.
The in-app Whistler Guide alleviated staff pressure - guiding guests to dining, activities, etc.
Guests can build their own itinerary using the Bookmark button
QR codes in rooms and at desk for easy access
Ability to update information in real time as restrictions changed
Direct connection to the hotel’s forms for booking hot tub time, breakfast delivery, and more
Integrated mapping shows only the listings that matter to the hotel
Easy button on the homescreen to help guests find their way back
Over 5.4k downloads
Over 17k views of Guide
10k amenity reservations
2k breakfast orders
*As of December 13th, 2021
Client Testimonial
“Working with Apps Canada has helped us to better communicate with our Guests and reduce unnecessary calls to the Front desk. Guests can find most of the information they need in the app, from checking the shuttle schedule and TV channel guide, to making amenity reservations and booking on-site activities.
Working with Apps Canada has been easy and seamless. The product is easy to use and simple to tailor to our needs with prompt support when required.”
-Pablo Contreras, General Manager, Blackcomb Springs Suites Whistler